Advanced Building Technologies

New Generation Plants 

We’ve always had a ticker for innovations. SINTRA MIX-IND patented technologies offer Lowest Building and Life Cycle Costs.

Pulsation MIX-IND New Generation Plants offer Extreme Variable Air Flow, Variable Comfort and Free Winter Cooling.

References 2016-2018:                      Area           Height      QPE_index

  • Sales Center                                           490 m2           5,0m              3,2
  • Automotive Industrial Facility           4400 m2           5,5m              2,9
  • Automotive Industrial Facility           1050 m2          10,8m             3,1
  • Aircraft Hangar – Sport Tent             2000 m2          14.8m             3,3
  • Automotive Industrial Facility           2100 m2          8-10m             3,1


Automotive Repair Services

Your Scenic Car Deserves Another Life

Over the years, we’ve developed a good knowledge base about vehicle diagnostic tools for BMW, VAG, Mazda, Alfa Romeo etc.

New internet site:


Capturing Industry Lowest Costs

Public Pool Water Treatment

Sustainable Water Treatment became the mission from aquila gmbh from Germany.

With over 15 years experience in the construction of water treatment plants, aquila gmbh is one of the leading companies in water treatment technology.

Aquila know-how offers more then 50% lower operating and maintenance costs compared to standard pool water treatment technologies.

References in Slovenia:

  • Kempinski Palace Hotel
  • Terme Lepa Vida – won famous Prestige Award